Falcon Pass Animal Hospital

2409 Falcon Pass Drive
Houston, TX 77062



Check out the articles from VIN:

Pain Reliever Facts for Dogs and Cats

Your 8-year-old yellow Lab Tinker Bell just came in from the backyard and you notice she’s limping on one of her back legs. You check the medicine cabinet in yo ...

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Senior Cats' Health Issues

A cat's health changes with age. Physical and mental changes occur, just as they do with people. Most older cats sleep more than they did when young, and they u ...

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Alcohol Poisoning

Dogs and cats can get more than just drunk when they drink ethanol, isopropanol, or methanol -- they can get a trip to the emergency room. Pets can die from ing ...

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Signs of Illness in Pet Birds

How to Pick up on Potential Illness SoonerSome people have the impression that pet birds can go from fine and healthy one day to looking seriously ill the next ...

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I am Cat Furniture

As I sit here trying to type with one cat draped across both forearms, I've decided that being covered with cats is a concept worthy of consideration. Why do I ...

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Nuclear Cat Poop

I have a cat.Since I’m a veterinarian, that probably doesn’t come as a big surprise to many.But I have a...radioactive cat!That’s right – I have a dyed-in-the-w ...

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